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    I don’t know if you know this or not, but Pinterest is a dark, scary place. I hadn’t spent much time there, but as preparation for a women’s retreat I’m speaking at later this month I wanted to do a little research on the negative messages women are fed, sometimes by ourselves and other women around us. So I dove into pinterest to see what kinds of lessons I could learn in the “Health and Fitness” section. What I found was kind of horrifying. For starters, as one of my sisters put it, “so many butts.” Pictures of butts everywhere. Goodness. I don’t even own a full length mirror, so…

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    A Page From My Journal

    (Clearly I was having one of “those” days…) Fear is a liar with a bad outfit and ugly shoes Fear is a liar who needs to brush his teeth. fear is a liar who has no rule over me. I only listen to truth. I only listen to the Master, the Good Shepherd. I don’t hear any voice but His.

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    You Are Beautiful, Okay?

    On the morning after returning to the United States at the end of the World Race, I woke up in a hotel room in Queens. I was sharing the room with a few of my squad mates, and someone had turned on the TV. For the first time in nearly a year, I was able to watch American news. The anchor on this particular 24 hour news channel was talking about the Boston bombing suspect. Immediately after finishing that report, she transitioned into the next story, “Coming up after the break, it’s a llama on the loose!” Welcome back to America, Jen. Welcome back. That’s not to say the rest…

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    This Princess Isn’t Waiting Anymore

    There is a moment during the Keira Knightly version of Pride and Prejudice when Charlotte announces to Lizzie that she’s marrying Mr. Collins. Lizzie is quite appalled, so to explain herself Charlotte says, “I’m twenty-seven years old. I have no money and no prospects. I’m already a burden to my parents…” Yeah, I always used to look at that scene, shake my head, and say, “Well, thank goodness that the world isn’t like that anymore!” Except. Today I realized that… I am 27 I have no money, No prospects, And I am, in some ways, a burden to my parents. And the problem is, the world I live in isn’t…

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    Living Better in the In-Between

    The woman on the youtube video says that rolling out a pie crust is quite simple and not at all a daunting task. The woman on the youtube video is full of lies. I’m rolling and flouring and doing everything she says to do, but my crust is cracking and crumbling and falling apart. I call one of my sisters for confirmation that I am not a complete and total reject who somehow missed out on the cooking and baking gene. She reassures me that her pie crusts fall apart as well, so I take a deep breath and continue on. I have been preparing for this moment for days.…

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    When Jesus Doesn’t Feel Like Enough

    When I was a little girl my family and I lived in a farmhouse in the country. It had a long driveway lined with cottonwood trees, plenty of fresh air, and little else. No cupboards in the kitchen, an upstairs that was literally crumbling, and when my parents first arrived, walls covered in soot. It also contained a family of mice that made its presence known by squealing when we sat on the couch and left droppings in the clean laundry. By the world’s standards my mother had nothing during this time. Nothing but a note on the fridge that said, “ Keep your lives free from the love of money…

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    My Life is a Hallmark Movie. Sort Of.

    One of my guilty pleasures is watching Hallmark movies with my mom. It’s what we do together. I’m pretty sure my mom pays for cable just so she can get the Hallmark channel. Any time I visit the answer to “what should we do tonight?” is always, “is anything good playing on the Hallmark channel tonight?” Sometimes she even tapes the movies for me. You know, ones that she thinks I really need to see. Like, “A Princess for Christmas.” Obviously. The movies always have a happy ending, and are guaranteed to never give me nightmares. They allow me to spend a couple of hours in happy-land. I’m not sure…

  • Spoken Word

    Spoken Word: Loved

    Way back in Uganda I was struggling to understand the concept of unconditional love, even from God. Then the Lord gave me this, my very first spoken word piece. This one’s for everyone who needs a dose of truth. Listen Here: spoken word love The lies swarm around me Like flies around a squattie pottie. I’ve spent years building this house, But the foundation is crumbling. And once again I find myself stumbling. I would say I don’t know where I’m going, But that’s just another lie. Because I, I’ve been down this road a million times. I don’t need any signs. The ruts are dug deep into this earth,…

  • Spoken Word

    Spoken Word: Reentry

    Because some days, readjusting to life after the World Race and away from my squad is just a little bit tough. Listen here: reentry Sometimes it feels like I’m fading. It’s like just when I can finally see that girl with the megaphone claiming, shouting her identity, I get slammed head first back into reality once again trying to figure out how to be. It takes a village to keep me in the right frame of mind. But when my village changes, I find my colors growing dimmer. A boiling pot turned down to a simmer. Back on the assembly line of human production trying to figure out how to…

  • Spoken Word

    Spoken Word: The Path

    For those of us who don’t quite know where we’re supposed to be at any given moment in life. Listen here: the path I don’t know the words of the song, and yet I know it by heart. I can’t see the path ahead, like I’m walking in the dark. Wanting the sunrise or new eyes or clear skies or some sort of light to make sure I’m in the right place. And just in case a compass and map and a good pair of shoes and tomorrow’s news and whatever it might take to reassure me I won’t break. Forget that You say it. And replay it. I keep…