Spoken Word

Spoken Word: Loved

Way back in Uganda I was struggling to understand the concept of unconditional love, even from God. Then the Lord gave me this, my very first spoken word piece. This one’s for everyone who needs a dose of truth.

Listen Here: spoken word love

The lies swarm around me

Like flies around a squattie pottie.

I’ve spent years building this house,

But the foundation is crumbling.

And once again I find myself stumbling.

I would say I don’t know where I’m going,

But that’s just another lie.

Because I,

I’ve been down this road a million times.

I don’t need any signs.

The ruts are dug deep into this earth,

Questioning my worth,

Questioning my rebirth.

Thought I’d been made new,

But I’m starting to feel old.

Thought I was in the warmth of His love,

But I’m starting to feel cold.

The voices keep screaming

You’re not enough


Enough of this madness!

Clothe me in gladness, not ashes.

Who am I anyway?

Then through the chaos and clutter,

I hear a still small voice.

It’s easy to pick out because it’s the only thing that is still.

You want to know who you are?

You are MINE.

I created and formed you.

Redeemed you.

Summoned you by name.

You’ll never be the same.

Through the fire and the flame.

My love aint tame.

That river can’t sweep you,

Because I’m here to keep you.

Don’t look for your old sins,

I hurled them into the sea,

Cancelled out on the cross with me.

Just be still and know that I am He

Who abundantly pardons.

He who loved you first.

He who won’t leave or forsake

Whether you sleep or wake,

Sacrificed for your sake,

Because you are worth it

Not worthless

Created for a purpose.

No condemnation

Clothed in salvation

Because you are loved

Wide and long and high and deep

This is the promise I keep.

Nothing can separate

Because you are MINE

All of the time.

Through trouble, hardship, persecution,

Famine, nakedness, danger, sword,

I am still Lord.

Nothing can come between

Whether seen or unseen

Not highs or lows

Things above or below

Angels or demons can’t get in the way

The present and the future don’t change what I say.

Neither death nor life nor powers nor anything

Can change the love song I sing

To you my beautiful bride

I am here by your side

No fear, it doesn’t belong

Instead I sing my song

Of deliverance over you

Don’t you see?

You’ve been set free.

No more death.

Only life.

Crossed over.

I tell you the truth

Covered in grace

Because I took your place.

Because I love you.

You need to understand.

No one can snatch you out of my hand.

I love you.

And you are Mine.

This, this is what the Lord says.

And at the sound of His voice

The lies have to flee

Because I have been set free.

Made new.

And I am loved.