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    A Page From My Journal

    (Clearly I was having one of “those” days…) Fear is a liar with a bad outfit and ugly shoes Fear is a liar who needs to brush his teeth. fear is a liar who has no rule over me. I only listen to truth. I only listen to the Master, the Good Shepherd. I don’t hear any voice but His.

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    You Are Beautiful, Okay?

    On the morning after returning to the United States at the end of the World Race, I woke up in a hotel room in Queens. I was sharing the room with a few of my squad mates, and someone had turned on the TV. For the first time in nearly a year, I was able to watch American news. The anchor on this particular 24 hour news channel was talking about the Boston bombing suspect. Immediately after finishing that report, she transitioned into the next story, “Coming up after the break, it’s a llama on the loose!” Welcome back to America, Jen. Welcome back. That’s not to say the rest…

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    This Princess Isn’t Waiting Anymore

    There is a moment during the Keira Knightly version of Pride and Prejudice when Charlotte announces to Lizzie that she’s marrying Mr. Collins. Lizzie is quite appalled, so to explain herself Charlotte says, “I’m twenty-seven years old. I have no money and no prospects. I’m already a burden to my parents…” Yeah, I always used to look at that scene, shake my head, and say, “Well, thank goodness that the world isn’t like that anymore!” Except. Today I realized that… I am 27 I have no money, No prospects, And I am, in some ways, a burden to my parents. And the problem is, the world I live in isn’t…